How To (Plug Weld) For Auto Body Collision Repair Work – *Collision Repair Technology Program*


Body Repair

Collision Repair students recorded for Our collision repair technology program partnered with ABRN to provide ABRN HOW2 Tip. This is a …

20 Replies to “How To (Plug Weld) For Auto Body Collision Repair Work – *Collision Repair Technology Program*”

  1. you didn't move faster for the center welds. the table acted as a heat sink and stole the heat

  2. henri says:

    No weld Thur primer used!!

  3. There are a few problems with this presentation.

    First the reason the two middle plug welds showed lack of heat was due to the coupon resting on the table. The metal from the thick table soaked up the heat from the weld.

    Second I-CAR doesn't recommend any size hole for welding, you should refer to the OE repair instructions on size of holes. There are general guild lines for hole size depending on thickness of panel. On thin gauge (below 20) 6mm hole and on think gauge (above 18) 8mm hole.

    Three I can tell you right off the bat that the welder settings are not quite right. The buzzing should be tight and consistent and from the looks of the visual the weld is too tall and wire speed should be backed down a touch.

    Fourth majority of HSS and UHSS are not MIG/MAG welded due to the heat destroying the strength properties of the steel. They are spot welded, MIG brazed, or rivet bonded.

    Lastly welding coupons are great for practicing welding technique. When testing welds that are to put on a specific vehicle it is best to use same thickness and alloy for testing. This material can be acquired from the panel that was removed.

  4. Very good explanation and presentation.

  5. 68lorne says:

    I have it patented and ready to go all you need is to clamp where you want to weld and be able to count

  6. 68lorne says:

    with my clamp you can make a plug weld without making a hole and without wearing all that protective gear

  7. hottmic82 says:

    @ManxAce500 yup, your first thing they told us when we started.

  8. hottmic82 says:

    Looks like your hole is past the 5mm limit, unless it's different from 16ga to 22ga

  9. Donnie Smith says:

    @RaysRacing1 Horizontal is being referred to as a vertical upright position welding from one side to the other. (right to left) We refer to a vertical upright position weld as an upright position welding from top to bottom (up and down) sorry for the confusion.

  10. Donnie Smith says:

    @thrashysludgebastard We are not using galvanized for this. We are using cold rolled 20 gauge steel to practice with.

  11. Donnie Smith says:

    @jfrederick87 No, this is not HHS. This is just cold rolled 20 gauge steel used for learning how to weld.

  12. flat and horizontal are not the same thing? weird. iv been welding for 6 years now im pretty sure your first year is a bit less intelligent then you thought.

  13. Donnie Smith says:

    @awesomeluis I would to assure you get enough penetration.

  14. awesomeluis says:

    @ButlerCollision 5/16" makes sense. I used the 3/8" spotweld cutter from napa to remove the old spotwelds. I used a 1/8" drill bit to make pilot holes so the cutter wouldn't walk all over the place. So now I have 1/8" holes on the piece I wanna weld back on. Would you recomend I redrill them to 5/16" to plug weld them into place?? Thanks for such a helpful video by the way.

  15. Donnie Smith says:

    @awesomeluis 8Mmm or 5/16 inch is the i-Car recommended size. This is the most common from most car manufacture recommendations. However, there are times they may specify different sizes for specific weld locations. Thanks for watching!

  16. awesomeluis says:

    How big does the hole that is being filled have to be. 1/4 inch? Thanks.

  17. Donnie Smith says:

    @Em1nenceFr0nt Thanks for watching the video!

  18. not good – can't see puddle or arc

  19. KingOfPoop says:

    what model lincoln is that?

  20. Redcoat66 says:

    Great work guys!!!!!! Thanks!

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