How to Paint Your Car Yourself – Auto Body Repair (1 of 2)

More information here – Refinish Network consists of various professional and enthusiast …
More information here – Refinish Network consists of various professional and enthusiast …
Take this crap off
Should the alternative room have a paint furnace / ordinary lighting / air suction / and insulation material (for dust) for the roof
انا شغال دهنات سيارات مصرى مستوى عالى جدااا ابحس هل يوجد فرصه عمل
Got kadar yere bu kadar uğraştım helal olsun bizde neden boyalı araba istenmediği belli oluyor
thank you for this great video but you dont mention how i know the primer coat for my car. is it all the same
To me he made the repair a bigger job,screw that I'll just get mine done professionally.
:)))) profi????wtf?
amplas poxy lalu aplikasi base coat
lalu di lanjut poxy primer
ketiga pengusaman
lalu proses pengamplasan (body filler)
itu pertama proses pengupasan cat sampai cat dasar
سلام عليكم .سيارتي هونداي النترا تورنج او تورنك .كندي مستورد من كوري رقم الصبغ وهو 2R فصبغوا السيارة إلا أن هناك فرق كبير بين صبغ الشركة والصبغ الجديد .ف الصبغ الجديد غامق جدا .علما أن تركيب اللون حسب رقم صبغ السيارة .لماذا .وما الحل لذلك .ارجوا الإجابة شاكرا لجنابك الكريم
he got it rite, by first stage, old paint cant sink, feathering cut to much, but we all learn,,simple
Took 4ever just in that little den.. coat over coat over coat x-( Got tire just watching fixing that little den 😀 ..
Don't you have to sand with each prime???? And then do the block sanding.
I'm an older ex-body-man. We used to grind before applying bondo is that normal now to use 80 grit to prep the repair area before bondo? I suppose the 80 grit is rough enough to get proper bondo adhesion right? My fathers shop was up in Wisconsin so we had to do rust repair too – which SUCKS balls – we usually welded in a plate over the rusted area (if not replacing panel) and than use filler to shape. Everything looks pretty similar to 15-20 years ago though, back then gravity feed guns were just coming out and I hated them cause I was like an old-dog used to my air gun. We also sprayed lacquers for spot repair it was easy to blend, but the stuff chipped really easy. Gosh I miss body work… I did it from age 14 to about 23, then I went to a technical college for computer programming and did programming for last 20 years – but I always think of body work- it was fun and rewarding. But I hated the chemicals and dust was afraid of those cause my dad was cheap and had a crappy ventilation system, and in the winter when it was really cold he would spray and not run the exhaust fan too much. The only thing better about computer is the money.
I notice you wet sand before spraying paint – that is different than we did. We usually sanded with .. I think 600 grit prior to painting and that's what we sanded primer with in final coat (dry sand) . We would sometimes wet sand after spraying depending on if the paint flowed good and if metallic or not. If polyurethane of course we had to wait some days before wet sanding and buffing to make a better finish.
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What are you demonstrating or trying to teach? How long will this guy take to do an entire car. Do you feel like working dude?
This video is useless if you do not mention number/type of sandpaper!
backsanding means hacksanding
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If we have paint whole car with this techniques,i think its gonna take week's
whats does P stand for in P180 Grig? I know what 180 Grit sand paper is but whats P? thank you
This guy doesn't speak?
Air pressure extremely high. Shouldn't have to spray primer through a gravity fed gun at 40psi. Haha. That is why you are having to waste time with masking around the body work and sanding overspray. Turn down your pressure and never have to do those two steps again.
this is the correct way to do it.
you dont know anything man
Excellent video.
I'm not sure but ,if anyone else is searching for car spray painting course try Alkarno Spray Paint Alchemist (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my co-worker got great success with it.
good dear and thanks for sharing this video.
This is some serious Earl Shives here..
I should have watched that video first before working on my van
haha, if it is such a small dent, i will leave it on the body. of course, this would be different case if the car is brand new.
theres always complainers but no videos of them doing the job, yes i know thats wat the comment box is for good and bad
Nice tutorial sir.
Seeing as this is aimed at beginners, it would be useful to include a list of materials and at what times you used those materials in the video.
Totally unprofessional! You're a joke!
this is very helpful. what are you using —some sort of detergent before sanding with primer overspray and what it? Thank youl
How long time i must wait for apply clear coat from the base coat?
And i have notice the cars with red color is faded much easier than the other colors why is this happens?
thank you!
Good! This is one of the solutions in repainting your car or especially in a home made way.
Please check out my channel I am new to youtube, but have been painting cars for 27 years. Thanks 🙂
Thank you for the upload. I learn something that a body shop wont show.
go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit motherfucker! what do you think this is? this is youtube bitch! be grateful for watever videos you see on youtube, because most people do not get squat for uploading them. i spit on your face, scum bag…
You are harsh in your comment.. Jimmo is trying to give you a free pass in course and you are not grateful.. You are lazy.. and you do not do your research to learn.. you want everything to get served on a silver platter.. Lazy ass..
Jimmo never mind I saw that you covered this in part 2 of this video. yea boyeee. i am going to wet sand the rest of the panel for the clear coat. Thanks.