How to GET MORE CUSTOMERS to your Auto Body Shop – PROVEN RESULTS!


Body Repair

We are getting over 50 customers cars a month to auto body shops, and this video explains how we do it. Take 12 minutes out of your busy day and watch this if …

15 Replies to “How to GET MORE CUSTOMERS to your Auto Body Shop – PROVEN RESULTS!”

  1. my name is lee thank you a-1auto collision at 297 Littleton rd.  for the great job on my wife's car  we are very  happy

  2. Please contact me at +13453290398 on whatsapp I wanna know more

  3. I saw your video and I'm very interested in your plan. I have over 25 years of experience, with I-CAR certifications, and I have a large body shop,but we have no growth, I'm not too savy about blogging, but I'm willing to learn.Also I'm not a DPR shop either. I also don't have very many employees. But I want to GROW can you HELP?

  4. TheBlackoppz says:

    I'm 19 years old and I have my tickets I'm in business school now should I go on about and open a business does this business pay week (canada bc)

  5. Love it. We like to post stuff on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media networks. I will try doing this to. Thanks.

  6. Very Very helpful and also makes so much sense. I am the owner of a small shop in busy downtown long Beach CA. There aren't many shops around except for mine but I have no DRP's and no fleets as of yet. I tried a google affiliated company but there was no luck and lack there of customers and website traffic. I have since done the yelp ads and all of that good stuff. As of last week the traffic to my yelp page has gone up but I wish to find out how to blog the proper way and or have some kind of templates that will help me form a new website. 

  7. it is very good video i have learned  so many this from this video..
    check out our site:-

  8. Bob Winfrey says:

    Good video, we have a 100% customer satisfaction rate! Our consumers rated us number one in customer satisfaction! Check out our site

  9. I can't seem to open your video

  10. Absolutely, contact me anytime.

  11. devine fist says:

    Tom ill call you very soon. the shop im going to run needs marketing bad. gonna see what theyre made of.

  12. devine fist says:

    hows the shop going for you. i sold mine in 2007

  13. Hi Eli, Do you have any specific questions for me? I'm always glad to help. If you want you can e-mail me, and be sure to send me the url of your shop if you want my assessment. my e-mail address is in the video (I dont want to put it here because it is a good way to start getting a ton of spam).

  14. Eli Kim says:

    hello i was intrested in what you were saying i own a body shop in gardena

  15. Leave your questions below and I will respond, or contact me via the information in the video above.

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