(HD) Auto Body Repair – Panel Prep (Sand, Feather, Fill) Scratch Repair – Part 1

This is a Mazda Miata with a scrape that needs repaired. Available in High Definition. See Part 2 – Painting a Mazda Miata.
This is a Mazda Miata with a scrape that needs repaired. Available in High Definition. See Part 2 – Painting a Mazda Miata.
what did i just watch😂😂😂😵😵😵😎😎
Buddy, what the fuck are you doing?
His technics were good he did everything right. I think I would of spent some time putting some paper on the rocker to prevent the sand scuff etch liquid to eat away at the lower body panel and he should of put tape on the fender to prevent sand scratches. I think the car was previously  painted .
Was that a spray able filler?
Have a look at some of my newer videos, more detail is provided
I would never wet sand an entire panel with a scotchbrite. Maybe in a spot that paper will not reach. Wet sand with 600.
You need some schooling kid. To much concentrating on an area with to course of sand paper, Didnt feather enough, Primed to close, Blocked wrong, Sanding sequence was off, The only time you should have to "wet sand" is when polishing, Waterborn paint is different than what was on cars 5-10 years ago, I have been a auto body tech for 6 years and everything i just seen here is for the older style paint, Where you can get away with a whole lot more.
It's a guide coat. When he flats the surface he'll flat away most of it but the powder will stick in the low bits and show him where he needs to do more work. In the old days people used aerosols with black paint in to do the job, but these days with emissions regulations what they are for bodyshops this is the new method.
what is the powder that you're spreading on the car ??
the days of scotching are over!! look up KOVAX assilex blue dry sanding paper very good product and pant finish is better..+ your guarenteed it wont peel off ever.
I'm a wuss…lol….like to keep my hands silky soft.
ups up with the gloves