Exotics & Muscle Cars Leaving Houston Cars and Coffee September 2016

Always a pleasure to attend Houston’s Cars and Coffee to check out all of the sick rides! Memorial City Mall 8:00am-10:00am First Saturday of each month …
Always a pleasure to attend Houston’s Cars and Coffee to check out all of the sick rides! Memorial City Mall 8:00am-10:00am First Saturday of each month …
No blue vette
Did anyone notice that somewhere around the beginning there was a Cadillac Sixteen with a Hennessy badge? It makes me wonder something, why would anyone would people badge a car into something that it's not? I don't think that was the only car though, I thought I may have saw some others.
Pause at 4:58 Dat ass
The kid wearing blue @3:10 runs away from the mustang lmao
How is it that when I lived in Houston I didn’t see any of these kinds of cars LOL!
How is it that when I lived in Houston I didn’t see any of these kinds of cars LOL
Im so sick of GTRs! Am i the only one?
0:46 Ultima GTR , and tht previous red car idk also 😀
Ur videos are awesome bro !!!!!!
Lol after seeing a bunch of videos of cars running into the crowd. I know my ass won’t be standing by the side walk watching. Y’all can find me on the tree watching 😂
2:50 those people are walking in the middle of the street
mustangs are great for drawing crowds….then running into them…
To be honest the Z06 and Hellcat sounded the best. Better than the Lambos I think.
that black huracan at the end.. beautu
1:47 the viper almost took the guy head off with its wing
where the fuck are the burnouts
nice rides
was those panoz or however you say it
Everyone with the same bull shit =/
What are the cars at 4:40 and 4:48 ?
That Daytona though
Oklahoma is trash lol, but I did see 3 ferraris, an Audi R8, a couple vipers and some type of Lamborghini
those two black cars are untima gtrs
4:14 lambo sounds brutal goddam
Did he say that the Under ground racing Lamborghini was slow? 0:54
Man that plum crazy purple hellcat in the beginning was sexy as hell
everyone rolling out like a dousche
how would I be able to know when the cars and coffee are going on. anyone know
Peep the kid running away when the mustang starts getting crossed up 3:12 😂
how does this guy not know what an ultima gtr is
3:57…That all black C7 ZO6!! Good Lord!
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3:10 dude in blue running from the mustang lol
i laughed so hard because the exotics that have twice the power mustangs have arent peeling out and being retarded if mustang drivers wouldnt try and show off and just leave in style noone would have this issue
That was pagani
I like how the blue corvette wasn't even in there
What kind of exhaust is on the charger at 5:08 ??