BONDO Auto Body DIY Tips (How To Use Body Filler Putty) Auto Body Repair Training Tutorial


Body Repair

Bonds, body filler, putty, mud, etc. is called many different names. However, most of them are referring to body filler, which is used to fill small imperfection on …

40 Replies to “BONDO Auto Body DIY Tips (How To Use Body Filler Putty) Auto Body Repair Training Tutorial”

  1. You're a fucking retard

  2. Flat Foot says:

    What's a "CONCURVE"?? This guy is ridiculous.

  3. David FP says:

    Can smell it through the video

  4. Is this carcinogenic? Can one use it on other surfaces?

  5. Vel Thraytor says:

    Arent you supposed to have breathing gear for this because its highly toxic and is known to cause cancer?

  6. And 2 says:

    yeah, I fukn get it bondo is a brand name.

  7. Alur Lyrx says:

    Does the depth guideline mean that the filler can't exceed 1/4" deep or can the filler be built up the filler 1/4" at a time? In other words, if I want to fill a dent that is 1" deep, can I use four 1/4" layers to fill it? Thanks for the video and thanks in advance for your answer!

  8. Haqpyfeet says:

    This is a great video, I just needed to do a minor repair on a canoe, and wanted to do some cosmetic work over the fresh fiberglass, but this was a great video explaining how to use the Bondo I bought.

  9. You are a very good teacher! But for the people that don't know nothing bout this job!!! In the real body shop you will be destroyed …

  10. Elsa Ramos says:

    What does cardboard absorb exactly?

  11. SN95 says:

    that was informative, the main takeaway here is don't put catalyzed body filler back into the non-catalyzed material. thanks

  12. NovaXX says:

    I bought bondo gold but the hardener was stolen from it when I opened it, but I have hardener left from the original bondo body filler(not the gold) could I use the original Hardener with the gold filler achieving the same finished product? Aka are the bondo hardeners universal?

  13. Daniel Hyde says:

    If i sanded down an area to half metal and old primer and now its smooth do i have to put bondo over the metal before primer? Also old metal that wasnt rusted is starting to get a little rust. Any tips would be very great full! 

  14. Tomyray says:

    Thanks Donnie, I've enjoyed watching your vidoes. I'm working on a restoration and I have a question. Does the body filler give adequate protection to the bare metal or should I use an etch primer to cover the bare metal before putting on the filler? I'd appreciate to hear your thoughts on that. Thank you.

  15. VWGTI says:

    I have a question…. a newly installed OE body part should fit exactly as how the old one did? no little tiny spaces at all…..

  16. Brian Smith says:

    so now I have the body work all done and am  block sanding the bondo to 320 and am finding little dimples and pin holes. What do i use to  to  fill these holes?

  17. eddyemm says:

    Thanks for uploading. Now i know why i was getting pin holes and streaks in my filler. Spread to mix not stir to mix.

  18. this with th papers, how it calls?

  19. karaski24 says:

    Thanks for the video. Nice work

  20. sandydogy says:

    a confusng thing for me when cn you use body filler as aposed tohave to weld a patch in?I havejust repaired a sill that joins my wheel arch i is not in aload bering aea as its just here thesil joins te wheel arch inthe sill was sold just the end cap was mising hats what i filled

  21. Thayer AK says:

    Thanks a lot , Sir

  22. i gotta say, this guy is one of the best instrcutors of body work and paint ive seen in a while, just watching alot of his videos, i can tell hes been doing this for many years.

  23. Donnie Smith says:

    If mixed properly, it should be ready to sand in 10 to 15 minutes. The temperature may effect this. If it is real hot, you may have less time. If it's cold, it may take longer.

  24. Thayer AK says:

    I have a question please
    how much time the body filler to get dry ?
    Thanks Mr Donnie

  25. jay22nup says:

    Thanks for the video. It was very informative.

  26. If Tue don't know what you are doing just don't do it. Have someone who knows do it. I've seen some fucked up cars out there lol

  27. smadas12 says:

    I cannot believe you could stretch so little education out to 9 minutes. In Uk what you just said is 30 seconds training only, I guess we learn to knosh up quicker over here

  28. 1uptospeed says:

    thanks donnie i did not know that the harndner can seraprate. thanks for the tip!

  29. naz bou says:

    It would be a shame if you did not get ripped when these other normal people are able to burn off fat easily with Slim Body Maximizer (check it out on Google).

  30. Shane Miller says:

    I feel dumber by watching this

  31. Donnie Smith says:

    If you are working on an older vehicle with thicker metal, you may be able to metal finish the metal without using body filler. However, newer thiner metals will become work hardened and become brittle if tried to work the metal too much. So I guess it depends what you are working on. If you can straighten it without body filler, you can prime and block the surface.

  32. Why exactly do we have to use body filler? Can't the metal be mended and evened out completely without the need of body filler? And does it make the car's body weaker??


  33. peter sar says:

    Nice video… U should do some more videos and details plss

  34. Donnie Smith says:

    You're welcome…thanks for watching!

  35. matt marc says:

    ok, well i think im doing my bondo work right, its really smooth and fits the body perfect, but i went a painted over it to see what it would look like and i can see the outline of the bondo, whats up with that? how do i fix it. also i was just using spraypaint to test it, would that be why. dont want to use my good paint to test it

  36. Donnie Smith says:

    I would probably cut a patch panel and weld it in for a rust hole. I can't post a link, but I do have several rust repair videos. Visit my channel and look through video that say rust repair. There are 3 videos demonstrating the process from start to finish. THanks for watching!

  37. Ethan Foo says:

    how would u do it in the wheel well for rust holes?

  38. Donnie Smith says:

    It will dry much slower when it is cold. You can use a heat lamp or even a heat gun to help it dry faster. Thanks for watching!

  39. what does the temp have to be when using filler… how cold? i dont have heat in my garage yet

  40. Josh Garcia says:

    Dam, wish i had a teacher like this when i was in high school. My shop teachers were morons compared to this guy

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