Basic Dent Repair For Beginners – Autobody Basics

This is a tutorial over basic dent repair. This covers the basics for repairing dents on car and trucks. #dentrepair FREE access to training at …
This is a tutorial over basic dent repair. This covers the basics for repairing dents on car and trucks. #dentrepair FREE access to training at …
Shit, wake me up when it starts……zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
great video it really help me out.
Well…Ive just been lectured at and the shown a few tools. Not exactly what i wanted to see???
Video starts around 19:00 minutes… lot of 'shame on you' attitude video get on with it buddy
people still use pull rods.
Great video! Our class watched this in Auto Collision up at the community college I go to I'm a junior in highschool thank you so much for the info! I'm just rewatching this to help me out a little bit
Thetrucky69,"late for their knitting class".Lol and roll on the floor.You rock dude.killer videos by the way.I was auto repair mech. for 30 years and never got into body/paint and now that I'm retired got lot's of time to,bit by bit, fix up and improve and customize my '88 Toyota2.4L Carb'd base p/u.Hate to admit it but 2 years ago I let a GF drive it to the store and of course on way back she rear ended a car.Had insur. but w/o comprehensive so my truck wasn't fixed.Still got the hood held down w ratchet and strap,but it works.Now I can learn how to do all that correctly.Yahoo! Thanks again and as always,God Bless to all.
Thanks for making these videos and sharing this info, I enjoy watching these videos and learning from it. I'm looking into making a career change from my current job into becoming a Collision Repair Tech. Your videos have confirmed my thoughts on making the change to this trade.
Also if you have any advice as to repairing a dent on an older vehicle such as my 73 that would be great just because I know it's not the material they use today.
Remove it bag it and have it thanks for all of the tips I just bought myself a 73 Dodge Dart I am going to do my best to restore it myself ever restored a vehicle before so this is all great information most of it sounds like common sense.
comments below reflect as to why most men out there are so useless and pay another to do what they can't be bothered. It's the bloody attitude and laziness and impatience. Also if you don't like the intro there is such thing as fast forward or skip you dumb asses. At least that much you should know.
Didn't care for the smart ass tone in the first couple of minutes. Don't know how the rest of the video went.
Great video. Thanks for all the info and keep it up!
Very good video mate, who the fuck are all these thumb downers what the fuck! they are late for their knitting class.
yall dun guud brotha
Can I send you a Damage Photo for some advice….A 36" Cargo Door on a RV that Id like to learn how to repairs…maybe 80% would make me happy 🙂 have done wood repair and woodworking for years. I believe its Aluminum beauty Panel over another Aluminum 1 1/4" Box Frame with both pieces attached with Double Faced Automotive Adhesive Tape. So I can learn with advise :)…ed hass reno, nevada
Very pleasant video to listen to! Unlike many videos or tutorials, you start from basics without jumping into terminology that people might not be aware of, and not using jargon without explaining what it means. You really give confidence to the listener both about yourself and the listener's capability. As others have said, it's not really a video, but that isn't the end of the world. Your pictures are (mostly) very relevant! Although talking about dating and lightning is perhaps a bit to much of a detour for my liking :-p both you and the listeners are often busy people! But like many, I'm sure, I'm very grateful for the time you invested in making this tutorial. I will definitely be looking out for any more that you make.
Stellar. I'm lookin at a dent on hatch back…Kia Sorrento,,,2013. Trying to avoid that body shop. Desperate, actually…Any help is appreciated. I'm quite capable of handling the deal once I'm lined out. Mechanically inclined and have the tools in garage. Handy dandy chicola is ready!
You the man
EXCELLENT, period.