7 Must Have Auto Body Tools To Get Started in Auto Body Repair


Body Repair

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41 Replies to “7 Must Have Auto Body Tools To Get Started in Auto Body Repair”

  1. LIL EazyE says:

    Where is the 85 book to download email

  2. def download the book real good info

  3. Is the site down, can I get a direct link to the Ebook? Thanks.

  4. Alex T says:

    Tony, I'm starting this at the age of 40, I got injured and must change my career ,in Japan as an English teacher for the past 10 years but cars have been my passion , glad I found your channel. I am starting tomorrow alongside a 45 year experienced body repair man… In the meantime this channel should help me educate myself also ! Awesome bro, all the best !!! I am doing the prep on an AE86 first thing in the morning, heck ye can't wait !!!

  5. roadstar499 says:

    Tony…does that palm Sander u recomend work with a 30 gallon 6 hp craftman compressor… I also want to know if it will power and inline 16 " air Sander…thanks for all your help

  6. Tonya King says:

    This is awesome. The schools in my area stopped teaching trades like this years ago so I am putting information together for my son. Thanks for making it all very clear and easy to

  7. Jill Vandyje says:


  8. Tony im ordering the Ingersoll-Rand IR-4152 Composite 6-Inch Orbital Palm Pnuematic Sander with Pressure Sensative Adhesive Pad is that good?

  9. Rocka Flocka says:

    My boy was T-boned and the crash DESTROYED his rear driver-side quarter panel. Back tire frequently rubs on fender well when loaded with a single passenger or even a full tank of gas. The trunk well just kinda "disappeared" at impact, so I had to buy Harbor Freight's version of their Porta Power to hydraulically push things back out. Do you think your "free" 85-page manual will be able to address our problems? This was a very serious crash and things are really twisted up back there!

  10. Bro I get spammed by your autobody school on Christmas day. Don't you take a brake? Ever? Those spam emails on Christmas are really shit, and now I'll. Unsubscribe because of it. Money hungry flipper you are.

  11. hello ive always wanted to do cars all my brother's do it but dont show me anything so im going to learn it myself ialways want a hotrod now im building it and i know nothing .i like your videos. so i got a 67 chevy truck chopped the top rolled the pillers back now im learning the body work so thanks for the videos any advice

  12. Got Milk says:

    I painted massive cars with a 30 air tank… all in the wrist

  13. Thanks Bro, shoutout str8.4rm LongBeach

  14. this is some real cool information bro,

  15. roadstar499 says:

    I have a nice 30 gallon craftsman 6 horsepower but it's really loud. looking to buy 60 gallon that is super quiet. are there any such compressors available? I just don't want to have complaints from my neighbors. Thanks

  16. David P says:

    I'm 18 a senior and take this for trade school. I want to do this for the rest of my life, got any advice for someone like me trying to get a job at a autobody shop? I know I'm still young, but I wanna learn and I think that getting a job at a shop this early will be a big factor as I get older

  17. Rey Xuarez says:

    Nice basic information. Thanks Tony.

  18. the puma air compressor is 3hp

  19. I really need a job in this field. I've been applying everywhere, I have 6 months experience and everywhere I go they want certificates obviously but the entry level bodyman positions are duds in my area. I'm hopeful and won't give up but man it's tough. Thanks for the video

  20. 10:17  Eggranomics–the science of holding/carrying eggs. :-p

  21. tayfun kilic says:

    l live uk here weather rain ve cold that afffect to paint my car and how mach degree must be? pleash help me tank a lott byiii

  22. tony t. says:

    very nice video, thanks Tony !

  23. Excellent presentation

  24. Kick Ass man cant wait to see more, going to the site now Keep up the Great Work!

  25. Awesome!! Glad you liked the videos!

  26. I like the spray gun sata is a great brand, but up in Canada we have by government law switched to a waterbourne paint. It's a pain, and requires all knew water base guns, no to mention it dries really slow. Sucks…. I'll keep watching your stuff, never know when i can pick up a hint or to.

  27. Nice video. I have worked in the trade for 15 years and in Canada you have to have 3 years college and be licence by the province to do this trade. Kinda good but people still practice with out a trades licence. I would recommend some hard blocks as well, there is only so much a person can do with a soft block. I also love the snap on body hammers and dollys, but i do have many other brands of dollys, (i won't compromise on the hammers).

  28. Awesome man. I show you how to get it in the video 🙂 just go to the site, you'll see it.

  29. Geoff Quares says:

    Thanks bro… I'm workin' on restoring my '94 Toyota 4×4 PU. How do I get a copy of that 85-page book?

  30. Yes, the main course is. We think you'll love it.

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